Pop Culture
Z File helps celebrate the many sides of popular culture with graphic explorations of larger-than-life personalities, modern urban legends, and explorations of some of pop culture’s more curious tropes and myths.
Steve McQueen: Full-Throttle Cool explores the life story of one of Hollywood’s sexiest leading men in an artistic, graphic-novel format. It covers his entire life from his earliest years growing up in a suburb of Indianapolis to his death from mesothelioma. It follows his movie career, in which he defined the antihero archetype and his adrenaline-pumping racing exploits.
AREA 51: The Graphic History of America’s Most Secret Military Installation looks behind the real history – minus the aliens and sci-fi movie plots- of one of America’s most famous military installations. Author Dwight Zimmerman and artist Greg Scott reveal in detail how for more than 60 years, the CIA, the U.S. Air Force and aerospace company Lockheed Martin have all used AREA 51 as a staging ground for test flights of experimental or highly classified aircrafts. This first-of-its-kind graphic history strips away the fantastical aspects of this mysterious location and establishes the actual, significant history made there.
Howard Zimmerman and Z File shepherded six Hill and Wang titles to publication [while I was publisher at Hill and Wang] two of which became New York Times bestselling graphic novels. From conception to realization and delivery, Howard was a consummate professional and his myriad skills are evident on every page of every book he undertook for the imprint.
Thomas LeBien Vice President
and Senior Editor Simon and Schuster
Howard Zimmerman’s Z File Inc. is my go-to packaging concern. From science, to military history, to fiction, Z File produces top-quality titles with professionalism and proficiency. Howard’s decades of experience and savvy allow Z File to meet any publishing challenge and produce the perfect product.
Marc Resnick
Senior Editor St. Martin’s Press
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Affordable Care Act Alfred Hitchcock Area 51 Bob Larkin Byron Preiss Comic Books Comic Con Comic Convention Disney Doctor Sleep Dwight Jon Zimmerman Ernie Colón Graphic Novel Harlan Ellison Health Care Reform Hill & Wang History Horror Howard Zimmerman Isaac Asimov Jonathan Gruber Leonard Nimoy Marvel Movies Nathan Schreiber Norman Spinrad Obamacare Ray Bradbury Ruth Ashby Science Fiction Simon & Schuster SR-71 Starlog Star Trek Star Wars Steve Leialoha superheroes The Goal The Shining Thomas LeBien Tribute U-2 Uncle Sam Will Eisner Zenith Books
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Affordable Care Act Alfred Hitchcock Area 51 Bob Larkin Byron Preiss Comic Books Comic Con Comic Convention Disney Doctor Sleep Dwight Jon Zimmerman Ernie Colón Graphic Novel Harlan Ellison Health Care Reform Hill & Wang History Horror Howard Zimmerman Isaac Asimov Jonathan Gruber Leonard Nimoy Marvel Movies Nathan Schreiber Norman Spinrad Obamacare Ray Bradbury Ruth Ashby Science Fiction Simon & Schuster SR-71 Starlog Star Trek Star Wars Steve Leialoha superheroes The Goal The Shining Thomas LeBien Tribute U-2 Uncle Sam Will Eisner Zenith Books