by Howard Zimmerman | Apr 14, 2014 | Horror, Movies
So far, my list has included The Thing (1951), Invaders from Mars(1953), and Psycho (1960). Now we jump ahead to 1975 for the scariest movie ever made by one of America’s best filmmakers of the past century. It is Steven Spielberg’s adaptation...
by Howard Zimmerman | Apr 13, 2014 | Horror, Movies
My list of seven scariest movies—those that scared me most— started with The Thing and Invaders from Mars, both of which I saw as a child. Before I get to the third film, a word about “slasher movies.” This sub-genre is all about immortal maniacs who...
by Howard Zimmerman | Apr 8, 2014 | Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Tribute
I just finished reading Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep, the long-awaited sequel to The Shining. Doctor Sleep is an excellent read: not exactly a ghost story; not exactly a horror story; but enough of both to keep you away from small New England towns...
by Howard Zimmerman | May 8, 2013 | Movies, Tribute, Visionary Men
Ray Harryhausen died yesterday, on May 7th, at home in London, at the age of 92. This truly marks the end of an era. When Ray was 13 he saw Willis O’Brien’s magical stop-motion work on King Kong, and his path for life was set. I won’t mention all of his films,...