Z File Books Takes a Break

 Z File Books, which has been packaging and producing books and graphic novels since 2006, is now on hiatus, and has been for some period of time. There are no new projects in the pipeline, nor am I soliciting new assignments from Z File’s publishers.

But almost all the volumes we have produced are still in print and available, with new editions of Fahrenheit 451 licensed just this past year in French and Chinese, and new European editions of The Stuff of Life and Evolution as well.

I am currently working on outlining a memoir about my time in publishing, and collating my fairly extensive (4,000+) comic book collection. Anyone interested in my future editorial services, or has questions about any existing Z File books may contact me at howardzim@gmail.com.

Thank you for your ongoing interest, support, time and attention. It has been both a humbling and rewarding experience. We will see what the future brings, and if it’s of note, I will certainly let you know.

Howard Zimmerman
June 16, 2023



I see parents on various online forums asking how old a child should be to introduce him or her to comics, and which ones might be good to start with. Okay, gentle people, there is no age limit. There are age-appropriate titles in most categories, and you can find...

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