Chief Justice Roberts did the right thing for America. It came as a pleasant surprise to supporters of the Affordable Care Act, who were gearing up for the incredible chaos that would have followed an unfavorable ruling, as portions of the bill have already been in place for two years. When you ask most American adults if they like or dislike specific areas of the bill—being able to keep your kids on your plan till they’re twenty-six; prohibiting insurance companies from raising your premiums any time they wish or excluding you from coverage for a pre-existing condition—what’s not to like about that?
But a majority of adults, when asked if they support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, don’t recognize the name. And if you say “Obamacare,” more than half of the respondents say they don’t like it. The Affordable Care Act is a huge, multi-layered, long-term piece of complex social legislation, and the ongoing efforts of congress to revise, adjust, and make it work well at the state level will be needed, just as with Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

How does the bill affect you now, and what will it mean as other parts of it come online? Pick up a copy of HEALTH CARE REFORM: What It Is, Why It’s Necessary, and How It Works. In a clear and straightforward graphic format, you will find most—if not all—of what you need to know. Yes, the Supreme Court ruling was also good for our book, there’s no denying it. It is enjoying robust sales at and Barnes & Noble, and hopefully will hit the bestseller charts once again. But America is the big winner.
BTW: I’ve just seen the first advance copy of our graphic history, The Hammer and the Anvil: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the End of Slavery in America. My first reaction was, “Wow. We’ve done something really good.” It goes on sale in mid-July, and explores the parallel stories of two men who hated slavery and went about changing the situation in very different ways. Kudos to writer Dwight Zimmerman, illustrator Wayne Vansant, and designer Kevin Cannon for an incredible volume.